Harmonizing plant metabarcoding pipelines in Europe
to support monitoring activities in the field of plants
and their functional organismic networks

Consortium members

Meet our international team of experts working together on the METAPLANTCODE project.

University of Kassel Germany

Birgit Gemeinholzer

Birgit Gemeinholzer

principle contact

Stephanie Swenson

Stephanie Swenson

Ann-Sophie Mattern

Ann-Sophie Mattern

University of Oslo Norway

Hugo deBoer

Hugo deBoer

principle contact

Dag Endresen

Dag Endresen

Quentin Mauvisseau

Quentin Mauvisseau

Naturalis Biodiversity Center Netherlands

Sydney Wizenberg

Sydney Wizenberg

principle contact

Barbara Gravendeel

Barbara Gravendeel

Nils Raes

Nils Raes

Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas (CERTH) Greece

Panagiotis Madesis

Panagiotis Madesis

principle contact

Ioanna Karamichali

Ioanna Karamichali

Fotis Psomopoulos

Fotis Psomopoulos

Nikolaos Pechlivanis

Nikolaos Pechlivanis

Maria Romeiras

Maria Romeiras

Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (ISA) Portugal

Rui Figueira

Rui Figueira

principle contact

Paulo Célio Alves

Paulo Célio Alves

Pedro Arsénio

Pedro Arsénio

Pedro Beja

Pedro Beja

Vanessa Mata

Vanessa Mata

Joao Queirós

Joao Queirós

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) France

Eugeni Belda

Eugeni Belda

principle contact

Auguste Gardette

Auguste Gardette

principle contact

Eric Chenin

Eric Chenin

Edi Prifti

Edi Prifti

Youcef Sklab

Youcef Sklab

Jean-Daniel Zucker

Jean-Daniel Zucker

Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Științe Biologice (SBRC) Romania

Ancuta Cristina Raclariu-Manolica

Ancuta Cristina Raclariu-Manolica

principle contact

Mihael Ichim

Mihael Ichim

Haute école de gestion de Genève (HES-SO & Plazi) Switzerland

Esteban Gaillac

Esteban Gaillac

principle contact

Patrick Ruch

Patrick Ruch

Donat Agosti

Donat Agosti

Emilie Pasche

Emilie Pasche

Meise Botanic Garden (KULEUV) Belgium

Steven Janssens

Steven Janssens

principle contact

Yves Bawin

Yves Bawin

Linnaeus University (LUN & SBDI) Sweden

Daniel Lundin

Daniel Lundin

Catalogue of Life (Catalogue of Life) CatalogueOfLife

Olaf Banki

Olaf Banki

principle contact

External Advisory Board

The External Advisory Board (EAB) provides independent expert guidance to support the scientific quality and

strategic direction of the project, helping to ensure the successful development and implementation of METAPLANTCODE.